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Welcome to
True To You

About Section
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True To You presents a unique and impactful initiative aimed at empowering women using trauma-informed tools and applications using ancient and modern wisdom, neuroscience, conflict resolution, self-defence, mindfulness practice, boundary setting, and much more to increase confidence, self-worth, self-love, self-development, and self-awareness to help protect themselves.

Image by Frames For Your Heart

Critical Needs

The True To You program is designed to address the critical need for personal safety among vulnerable populations who are unable to escape or have escaped physical and sexual abuse. The True To You programs are tailor-made in collaboration with not-for-profit organisations dedicated to cultivating personal development, safety, and well-being within the communities they serve globally.

Arm Around Shoulder
Boxing Position
Mother and Daughter

Sharing Tools Rather Than Strategies

We acknowledge the many situations and circumstances in which women and children cannot be separated from their aggressors due to remoteness, being refugees, fear of retribution, belief systems and lack of external support. Our goal is to share tools rather than strategies for self-empowerment so that women have the freedom to make choices on how they want to respond to gender-related abuse, discrimination, and exploitation in a way that works for them.

A Supportive Hug


Monday - Friday

9am to 4pm

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We provide programs and collaborate with partners across Australia, South East Asia and Polynesia. 

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